PTE Scores & Result Sheet: PTE Scoring Guide & Marks Distribution

Posted on 11/01/2024 by Moni PTE Magic

We all know that PTE scores can range from 10 to 90 points.

However, not many test-takers are aware of how each component and question type is evaluated. Knowing its scoring allows you to set a proper target, thereby mapping out the route to conquer it. 

Let PTE Magic give you a hand in this matter!

Get the ball rolling, and delve into the details now.

(Read our Vietnamese version here)


Overview of the Pearson’s PTE Scoring System

Each test will feature from 70 to 91 items that encompass 20 different question types. The PTE maximum score will be 90, and the minimum is only 10 points.

In the score report, you will see the overall score and communicative skills scores, including Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. The mark for each skill falls somewhere between 10 to 90.

While each component’s score contributes to the final result, the overall score is not their average. Instead, it will take into account various factors, reflecting your English proficiency level as a whole.

Notably, the test will also assess your pronunciation, oral fluency, spelling, vocabulary, grammar, and written disclosure. However, the marks for these skills are not displayed in the report.

  • Pronunciation: You should produce speech sounds that most regular speakers can understand easily.
  • Oral fluency: Smooth speech and natural speaking pace.
  • Spelling: Use correct words. National variations are accepted but should remain consistent.
  • Vocabulary: Appropriate word choices.
  • Grammar: Correct use of word form and order in a sentence.
  • Written disclosure: Ensure the coherence and logic of your writing.

The 2 PTE scoring methods you need to understand

The PTE score calculator will use 2 scoring methods in the test, including correct/incorrect and partial credit.

  • Correct/incorrect: Only accept completely correct answers, which are given 1 point for each. You’ll receive 0 points for each incorrect one.
  • Partial credit: Apart from correct/incorrect responses, you will also earn some points if the answer is partly correct.


How to Calculate PTE Scores: A Detailed PTE Test Scoring Guide

PTE Scores & Scoring Guideline

Heads-up: As the enabling skills are removed from the PTE score report, we will not mention them in the PTE marks distribution!

PTE Speaking & Writing

Question Type Number Of Items Scoring Method How It’s Scored
Read Aloud 6 – 7 Partial credit 5 points at maximum if you read the provided text precisely in the correct order. 

Your points will be reduced if you change, omit, or add any word to the text.

Repeat Sentence 10 – 12 Partial credit 3 points at maximum for repeating all the words of the given sentence in the right order.

2 points for repeating at least 50% of the sentence correctly.

1 point if you can repeat less than 50% of the sentence precisely.

0 points for almost nothing in the recorded answer.

Adding, replacing, or omitting any word will negatively affect your score.

Describe Image 3 – 4 Partial credit 5 points at maximum for describing all the components displayed in the image and explaining how they relate, what might happen next, and coming up with a conclusion.

4 points for analyzing the meanings and connections between all major elements and making a conclusion.

3 points for explaining the implications of most of the important components and drawing a conclusion.

2 points if you only describe one major aspect and make a conclusion about it while showing a basic understanding of the picture.

1 point for dealing with some basic elements without clarifying their relations or implications.

0 points for mentioning several fragmented components without clear relationships.

Retell Lecture 1 – 2  Partial credit 5 points for summarizing all elements of the lecture, including all characters and actions, explaining their connections, forecasting potential development, and jumping to a conclusion.4 points for mentioning all key characters, actions, and events, describing their relations, and making a conclusion.

3 points for retelling most elements, clarifying their relationships, and drawing a conclusion.

2 points for dealing with one main component, deciphering its meaning, and coming to a conclusion while showing an overall understanding of the lecture.

1 point for describing several basic aspects without interpreting their implications or relations.

0 points if you barely describe anything or just mention some points that lack cohesion.

Answer Short Question 5 – 6 Correct/


1 point for every correct answer with an appropriate word(s).0 points for responding with a wrong word(s).
Summarize Written Text 1 – 2 Partial credit 2 points if you can mention all critical aspects in the summary.1 point for missing 1 or 2 elements in the summary.

0 points for missing or misrepresenting the major aspects.

Write Essay 1 – 2 Partial credit 3 points for addressing all issues in the prompt, providing well-organized ideas and supporting details, and using the correct language.2 points for dealing with the main aspect but missing one minor issue.

1 point for sticking to the right topic but missing the main issue or at least 2 minor points.

0 points for not addressing the main issue.

PTE Reading

Question Types Number Of Items Scoring Method How It’s Scored
Multiple-Choice Single Answer 1 – 2 Correct/ incorrect 1 point for each correct response.0 points for each incorrect answer.
Multiple-Choice Multiple Answers 1 – 2 Partial credit 1 point for every correct answer.-1 point for every wrong answer.

You might get 0 points in total for this part.

Reorder Paragraph 2 – 3 Partial credit 1 point for every two sentences in the correct order.There is no mark for only 1 correct box.
Fill in the Blanks (Reading) 4 – 5 Partial credit 1 point if you fill 1 blank correctly.
Fill in the Blanks (Reading & Writing) 5 – 6 Partial credit 1 point for every correctly filled blank.

PTE Listening

Question Type Number of Items Scoring Method How It’s Scored
Summarize Spoken Text 1 – 2  Partial credit 2 points for summarizing all critical aspects using the correct language.1 point for a fair summary but missing 1 or 2 elements.

0 points if you fail to cover the key aspects.

Multiple-Choice Multiple Answer 1 – 2 Partial credit 1 point for every correct answer.– 1 point for each wrong answer.
Fill in the Blanks 2 – 3  Partial credit 1 point for each correctly filled blank with a precise spelling.
Highlight Correct Summary 1 – 2 Correct/ incorrect 1 point for each correct response.0 points for each incorrect answer.
Multiple-Choice Single Answer 1 – 2 Correct/ incorrect 1 point for every correct answer.0 points for every wrong answer.
Selecting Missing Word 1 – 2 Correct/ incorrect 1 point for each correct response.0 points for every incorrect answer.
Highlight Incorrect Word 2 – 3 Partial credit 1 point if you can correctly highlight a word that’s different from the audio.– 1 point if you highlight the wrong word.
Write from Dictation 3 – 4 Partial credit 1 point for every correct word with an accurate spelling.0 points for incorrect ones.

PTE Score Sheet: How to Read & Interpret Your Score Correctly

When you receive the PTE result, how can you interpret it? Check the details below to see which score range you are in and self-evaluate your English level:

  • 10 – 29 (equivalent to A1): Use basic phrases for everyday conversations, introduce yourself briefly, and interact with others if they talk slowly, and use basic language.
  • 30 – 42 (equivalent to A2): Can understand and talk about immediate topics, like personal information, shopping, employment, etc.
  • 43 – 58 (equivalent to B1): Can engage in conversations about familiar topics in leisure, work, school, etc., and explain experiences, events, hopes, ambitions, or dreams. (see our guide on how to achieve PTE 50)
  • 59 – 75 (equivalent to B2): Can understand/talk about abstract or concrete topics and give a viewpoint quite smoothly and clearly. (see our guide on how to achieve PTE 65)
  • 76 – 84 (equivalent to C1): Have a great command of English and can discuss complex topics spontaneously and fluently. (see our guide on how to achieve PTE 79)
  • 85 – 90 (equivalent to C2): Get involved in almost any subject comfortably and share opinions on complex topics fluently. (see our guide on how to achieve PTE 90)


The PTE scores effectively depict your level of English proficiency. Therefore, you should understand its scoring system to have a better understanding of your language skills. Remember that some item types apply negative scores for your response, so pay more attention to them.

green iguana
Moni PTE Magic

My name is Moni, and I am a seasoned PTE teacher with over 6 years of experience. I have helped thousands of students overcome their struggles and achieve their desired scores. My passion for teaching and dedication to my student’s success drives me to continually improve my teaching methods and provide the best possible support. Join me on this journey toward PTE success!

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