Is PTE Rescore Possible? How to Request a Rescore?

Posted on 25/01/2024 by Moni PTE Magic

Most of the time, PTE results effectively reflect test-takers’ English proficiency levels. However, there might be an off chance that some candidates are not satisfied with their scores.

So, is PTE rescoring possible in this case?

Or will it even lower your score?

This guide by PTE Magic will tell you everything you need to know about this topic.

Let’s take a look.

(Read our Vietnamese version here)


Which PTE Question Types Are Available For Rescoring?

pte rescore

You’re excited to check your PTE Academic test result just to realize it doesn’t live up to your expectations. Suppose you suspect there is something wrong with the scoring system or an error in the equipment. Then, you can appeal for a rescore from Pearson.

However, there is a deadline for a rescore. In particular, you must send your request to Pearson Customer Service within 14 days from the day you receive your PTE Academic result.

It’s also worth noting that Pearson only reevaluates the score of your latest PTE test. By that, we mean if during that 14-day period, you have sat another PTE exam, the rescore will apply to that test. So, remember to ask for a reevaluation before you book any other exam.

Another thing to keep in mind is not all question types are qualified for a rescore. Only your spoken answers and open-ended written answers, like Essay, Summarize Written Text, and Summarize Spoken Text.

What to Consider Before Rescoring Your PTE Test?

Before reaching out to Pearson Customer Service and asking for a rescore, you should take these notes into account first:

  • The PTE Academic test is a computer-based test scored by an AI system, so the likelihood of making mistakes is incredibly low.
  • Technical malfunctions during the test, like computer errors or faulty microphones, are rare occurrences.
  • The PTE score can go up or down, and you can only appeal for a reevaluation once. This means that even when receiving a lower PTE score, you must accept that as the final result.
  • Consider taking another PTE exam. It’s easier to book another test than to ask for a PTE rescore, and the score report will be available in as few as 5 days. So, it might not be worth wasting your time to request a score review.

How to Request a PTE Rescore?

There are two types of reviews you can request, including technical review and machine rescore.

For machine rescore:

  • Step 1: Contact Pearson Customer Service. You can visit its website, go to the Help Center, and then Scoring. You will see the Find your local number button on the right side. Click on it so that you can reach out to their service team.
  • Step 2: Explain your problem and request a score review. After that, wait for the outcome. 

For technical review:

  • Step 1: Access this link to fill in the customer support form.
  • Step 2: In the inquiry section, select An issue with my test score. Then, choose I want to request a rescore in the issue field and hit the Next page button.
  • Step 3: You will be redirected to a second form. Enter the required information, like your test type and other personal details.
  • Step 4: Submit the form and wait for the outcome after about 15 business days.


What Is The PTE Revaluation Fee?

The fee to ask for a rescore is $100 for a machine review and $50 for a technical review. You can clarify the fee with the customer service staff via phone. However, you will be refunded if there is any change in your overall score.

Is The Chance Of PTE Re-score Success High?

Unfortunately, the successful chance of a PTE score review is once in a blue moon. As mentioned, it’s incredibly rare to encounter technical or machine issues. So, unless you are really confident in your writing and speaking skills, it’s best not to risk it!


Pearson always welcomes a PTE rescore, though you have to pay for some fee. However, it’s recommended to weigh up its pros and cons carefully.

The chance of success is rather low, and you might lose your money or even receive a lower score. The best move in this case is to practice and book another test to improve your result.

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Moni PTE Magic

My name is Moni, and I am a seasoned PTE teacher with over 6 years of experience. I have helped thousands of students overcome their struggles and achieve their desired scores. My passion for teaching and dedication to my student’s success drives me to continually improve my teaching methods and provide the best possible support. Join me on this journey toward PTE success!

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