PTE Repeat Sentence: Practice Tips & Mistakes to Avoid

Posted on 26/07/2023 by Moni PTE Magic

The PTE Academic Repeat Sentence is a task in the speaking section of the Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic exam. It is a crucial test that evaluates candidates’ listening and speaking abilities.

What are the structure and some common mistakes that test-takers make when attempting this task?

Let’s learn about the right PTE Academic Repeat Sentence tips and tricks to help you avoid these mistakes and improve your score.

(Read our Vietnamese version here)

Key Takeaways

  • The PTE Speaking Repeat Sentence task typically consists of 10 to 12 questions.
  • The PTE Academic Repeat Sentence task is scored based on three main criteria: content, pronunciation, and oral fluency.
  • At the end of this blog, discover our detailed and practical PTE Repeat Sentences tips and tricks for listening and speaking.


PTE Academic Speaking Repeat Sentence Structure

The PTE Speaking Repeat Sentence task typically consists of 10 to 12 questions. Unlike other PTE tasks, this section has no negative marking for an incorrect answer.

This PTE Speaking section assesses a candidate’s listening and speaking skills concisely:

  • In this task, the candidate will hear a short sentence, typically 3 to 9 seconds long, which they have to repeat correctly as they hear it.
  • During the test, the candidate is given 3 seconds to prepare before the audio prompt begins.

After the PTE Repeat Sentence audios end, there is a 1-second delay before the candidate’s microphone opens up, allowing them 15 seconds to complete their response by repeating the sentence they have listened to.

How Is It Scored?

pte repeat sentence practice tips

The PTE Academic Repeat Sentence task is scored based on three main criteria: content, pronunciation, and oral fluency.


If you can reproduce the sentence with 100% accuracy, you will receive three out of three points for that particular sentence.

Partially correct responses, where you repeat 50% or more of the original sentence, will grant you two points. You will receive one point if your response matches anything between 0-50% of the original sentence. No match with the original sentence results in zero points.


Proper pronunciation is essential for being clearly understood by native speakers. The scoring for pronunciation focuses on whether you can articulate every sound correctly without significant errors.

Oral fluency

Natural, smooth speech with appropriate pauses and phrasing improves your score.


PTE Repeat Sentences Tips & Tricks

For Listening

Active listening

While the audio is playing, concentrate fully on the sentence. It’s best to visualize the words and their meanings.

Avoid distractions and background noise to ensure you catch every word and understand the sentence’s context.

Note-taking (optional)

Taking notes sparingly, as you have limited time to write. Focus on jotting down keywords or phrases to help you remember the sentence’s structure and content.

Do not transcribe the entire sentence; concise notes are enough to trigger your memory.

Focus on meaning

Understand the meaning of the sentence rather than just memorizing individual words.

Stay relaxed

During the PTE Academic Repeat Sentence task, stay calm and relaxed on the test day. Nervousness can dampen your performance, so maintain composure and focus on the task.

Expand vocabulary

Review and familiarize yourself with academic words and everyday vocabulary. Knowing these words will help you recognize and remember them when listening to sentences.

For Speaking

Speak naturally

Don’t try to imitate the speaker’s accent; use your natural pronunciation and intonation.

Speaking naturally fuels your confidence, and you can easily understand the computerized scoring system.

Appropriate speed

Speak at a normal pace; there’s ample time to complete your response within the given 15 seconds.

Rushing may lead to errors while speaking too slowly affects your fluency score.

Avoid pauses and hesitation

The microphone opens one second after the audio ends. Utilize this time effectively to start speaking confidently.

Avoid long pauses, hesitations, or filler words like “umm” and “err,” as they can negatively impact your oral fluency score.

Guess if unsure

If you are unsure of a word or phrase in the sentence, make an informed guess and proceed with confidence.

Leaving a question without an answer will guarantee zero points, but attempting it gives you a chance to earn partial credit.

Consistent practice

PTE Repeat Sentence practice, such as listening and repeating sentences, can improve your memory and speaking skills. Work on refining your grammar to enhance your overall performance.

You can listen to English podcasts, and watch news, talk shows, and movies to improve your skills.

If possible, practice with a speaking partner, preferably a native English speaker. They can provide valuable feedback so that you can improve your language skills.

Common Mistakes & Problems To Be Aware Of

Lengthy sentences

When sentences are long and complicated, it’s hard for the AI model to track what’s being said. Thus, it can lead to the model not fully understanding the meaning and giving incorrect responses.

Difficulty with fast speech

If someone speaks too quickly, the AI model might not have enough time to process and grasp what was said. This can result in the model misunderstanding words or not fully getting the message.

Impact of slow audio recordings

When the audio recording is very slow, it takes the AI model more time to analyze it. This delay can cause the model to respond later or even time out without an answer.

Background noise interference

If there’s a lot of noise in the background of the recording like people talking or other ambient sounds, it’s hard for the AI model to accurately understand the main voice.

Challenges with different accents

Varied accents can be tricky for the AI model, especially if they differ from what it was trained on. This gives the model a hard time recognizing and interpreting specific pronunciations or regional ways of speaking.


In conclusion, the PTE Repeat Sentences task is an important part of the speaking section of the Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic exam. It tests your listening and speaking skills, as well as your memory and knowledge of the English language.

Test-takers make some common mistakes when attempting this task, but with the right tips and tricks, you can sidestep these mistakes and improve your score.

By paying attention to stress and intonation, making a mental note of the sentence structure, speaking calmly and clearly, and practising regularly, you will proceed with your performance on this task and achieve success on the PTE exam.

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Moni PTE Magic

My name is Moni, and I am a seasoned PTE teacher with over 6 years of experience. I have helped thousands of students overcome their struggles and achieve their desired scores. My passion for teaching and dedication to my student’s success drives me to continually improve my teaching methods and provide the best possible support. Join me on this journey toward PTE success!

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