The New 2024 PTE Retake Policy: Things You Need to Know

Posted on 21/08/2024 by Moni PTE Magic

Pearson recently updated their PTE retake policy on August 20th, 2024.

How can you retake the PTE tests and achieve higher scores while following the rules?

Find the best tips for success under the PTE Retake Policy 2024 in this blog by PTE Magic below!

Key Takeaways

  • The recent PTE Retake Policy 2024 allows test-takers to retake their test up to 12 times within 12 months if they are unsatisfied with the results.
  • Pearson updates their policy frequently, so missing the latest information could lead to unexpected mistakes.
  • See the five tips for success under the PTE Retake Policy 2024 below.


Overview of the Updated PTE Retake Policy 2024

retake policy

The recent PTE Retake Policy 2024 allows test-takers to retake their test if they are unsatisfied with the results. Here are some notable changes you should pay attention to:

  • You can only book one test at a time. Pearson doesn’t allow booking several retakes simultaneously to ensure the retake process is fair and equal.
  • Test-takers can take the PTE test up to 12 times within 12 months. If you take the PTE test for the first time in the year, you have 11 retakes left for the rest of the year. You can contact Pearson to ask for an additional retake if needed, but approval cases are rare.
  • Pearson forbids candidates from creating more than one Pearson PTE account. If they find out you have multiple accounts, you will face consequences that could affect your exam process and future goals.

5 Tips for Success Under the PTE Retake Policy 2024

Follow the Latest PTE Retake Policy

First, you must follow the PTE retake policy to retake your test successfully. Pearson updates their policy frequently, so missing the latest information could lead to unexpected mistakes.

Therefore, check Pearson’s official website for the most up-to-date information. Pay attention to the important changes mentioned above before booking a retake test. Ensure you remember your remaining retakes and are qualified to apply for the retake test.

If you are unsure about the policy, contact Pearson’s customer support to clarify. Understanding the rules will help you avoid unexpected situations and prepare your best for the retake exam.

Make Use of Your Score Report

The PTE score report provides details of your English proficiency, including Speaking, Writing, Listening, and Reading skills. Reviewing this information can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, so you know which areas to focus on before your next retake.

Furthermore, use your score report to set your next PTE goal. Instead of just aiming for a higher overall score, utilize your previous results to set specific targets for each section. Spend more time on the sections where you didn’t score well on your last try.

Create Effective Study Plans

3. Tips-for-PTE-Retake-Policy

PTE Magic platform has all your study materials, including AI-scoring mock tests and customized study courses with instant tutor feedback.

A good study plan helps you prepare more effectively for your PTE goals rather than applying for another retake attempt.

PTE Magic recommends that test-takers create a daily study routine based on their current skill level. For example, focus on practice Speaking if your other skills already achieved high scores in your last test.

Don’t dwell on studying too much without taking breaks. Long study durations will make you tired and gradually reduce concentration. Get short breaks between your study sessions to manage your practice more effectively.

Additionally, practice with various study materials. Use mock tests, question templates, textbooks, and other online resources to support your PTE preparation. PTE Magic platform has all your study materials, including AI-scoring mock tests and customized study courses with instant tutor feedback. Our platform is available on both the website and app so you can practise anywhere and anytime.

Control Your Time

It is important to manage your time not only during the exam but also throughout your preparation. In addition to following the study plans mentioned above, we also suggest avoiding procrastination. Set clear deadlines for each task and follow them strictly. If you plan to complete a mock test by the end of the week, stick with your plan.

Practicing frequently with mock tests helps you manage your time better for specific tasks. Identify sections where you spend too much or too little time and adjust them based on your results. This helps you better control your time on the real test.

Don’t Pressure Yourself

With the new retake policy, the PTE exam may feel more stressful. However, putting too much pressure on yourself can backfire, because stress can negatively impact your performance.

Your physical and mental health is vital for your test performance. Therefore, ensure you eat well and get enough sleep to keep your mind sharp and healthy. Furthermore, keeping your mind calm and taking breaks every hour can help you stay focused during the test.


The updated PTE retake policy 2024 may seem confusing to some test-takers; however, as long as you understand the new policy and follow it accordingly, you will be fine. Applying the tips for success under the PTE Retake Policy 2024 will help you perform your best on retake day.

Stay tuned and check the PTE Magic website frequently for the latest updates on PTE information.


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Moni PTE Magic

My name is Moni, and I am a seasoned PTE teacher with over 6 years of experience. I have helped thousands of students overcome their struggles and achieve their desired scores. My passion for teaching and dedication to my student’s success drives me to continually improve my teaching methods and provide the best possible support. Join me on this journey toward PTE success!

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