How to Use the PTE Question Bank to Get Higher PTE Scores

Posted on 10/01/2024 by Moni PTE Magic

The PTE question bank opens the door to the most repeated questions in the PTE exam, allowing you to get used to the format.

However, you lack the key to open that door if you don’t know how to utilize the bank properly.

In this short guide, PTE Magic will share with you everything you need to know about this interesting topic.

Let’s take a look.

(Read our Vietnamese version here)


How Many PTE Question Types Are There?

How Many PTE Question Types Are There

Delving deeper into the question bank, you can easily notice the PTE question format, encompassing multiple types as follows:

Speaking & Writing

  • Read Aloud: read the provided text out loud within 30 – 40 seconds
  • Repeat Sentence: repeat a given sentence in 15 seconds
  • Describe Image: 25 seconds for observation and preparation, 40 seconds for recording your description
  • Retell Lecture: Summarize what you hear in 40 seconds
  • Answer Short Question: Answer questions using only 1 – 2 words in 10 seconds
  • Summarize Written Text: Summarize a 300-word paragraph, limiting the word count between 5 – 75 words
  • Write Essay: Craft an academic essay about a given topic with a word limit of 200 – 300 words in 20 minutes


  • Fill in the Blanks (Reading & Writing or Reading): Complete a 300-word text by filling in the given blanks
  • Multiple Choice, Multiple or Single Answer: Answer questions after reading a 300-word text
  • Reorder Paragraph: Rearrange shuffled sentences into a paragraph


  • Summarize Spoken Text: Summarize what you hear in 50 – 70 words
  • Multiple Choice – Multiple or Single Answer: Answer questions after listening to an audio
  • Fill in the Blanks: Listen to an audio and fill in missing words
  • Highlight Correct Summary: Select the right summary about what you hear
  • Select Missing Word: Choose the missing word in an audio
  • Highlight Incorrect Word: Select the wrong word in an audio
  • Write from Dictation: Listen to one sentence and write it down as correct as possible

Why Should You Use the PTE Question Bank?

pte question bank

Get Used To The Test Format & Content

As mentioned, the question bank displays all the PTE sample questions that simulate the real test. By practicing with this material, you can familiarize yourself with the question types, timing, and scoring.

This understanding will arm you with more confidence on the real exam date, enabling you to perform better.

Identify Your Strengths & Weaknesses

Practicing with the PTE practice questions will reveal your strengths and weaknesses in each skill. Knowing your areas for improvement will help you develop a strategic studying plan tailored to your level. 

Learn To Manage Your Time

In the PTE test, not all items come with the same amount of time. There are some questions with up to 40 seconds for preparing and answering, while some only allow for 10 seconds to respond. 

Answering each question within the time limit will hone your time management skills. You can gradually get used to the time pressure, thereby allocating the allowed time to complete all questions. 

Develop Test-Taking Strategies

Learning with the question bank means that you can get access to PTE questions and answers. Analyzing the samples and their explanations will boost your understanding of the test’s content.

So, next time you encounter similar questions, you can give responses confidently within the time limit.

Where To Find the PTE Question Bank?

Pearson PTE 

Pearson conducts the PTE examination, so it’s a wise move to seek PTE materials from this website. However, you have to pay some bucks to access the question bank.

It’s up to you to choose only the question bank or a package for other helpful resources. Either way, you will receive 300 PTE questions for practice. Model answers and samples for writing and speaking are also available to assist you in self-studying.

PTE Magic

If 300 questions are insufficient to support you in reaching the target score, PTE Magic is here to help with up to 5,000 PTE repeated questions.

Their materials encompass all 4 English skills for all-rounded preparation. All are classified into different question types for easy navigation. The best part is that you can test the water with 400 free questions before paying for those resources.

Apart from sample answers, if you still have any issues during preparation, feel free to reach out to PTE Magic at any time for support.

How To Use PTE Question Bank For Practice?

Rushing through the question bank randomly is like navigating a forest blindfolded that leads to nowhere. To not miss any hidden treasure along the way, follow these steps:

Step 1: Scan through the format and try several items of each question type. Then, set your target score.

Step 2: Check the answer and see which areas you excel in and which need refinement.

Step 3: Practice with the question bank, spending more time on your weaknesses until you can reach your predefined goal. Don’t forget to review your answers and take note of your most common mistakes.


Now, you should get all the details about the PTE question bank, from its question types to where to find it and how to practice with it correctly.

The key here is patience. Don’t rush! Instead, identify your strengths and weaknesses first to develop the most tailored preparation plan.

green iguana
Moni PTE Magic

My name is Moni, and I am a seasoned PTE teacher with over 6 years of experience. I have helped thousands of students overcome their struggles and achieve their desired scores. My passion for teaching and dedication to my student’s success drives me to continually improve my teaching methods and provide the best possible support. Join me on this journey toward PTE success!

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