PTE Core Answer Short Question: 30+ Most Repeated Questions

Posted on 11/07/2024 by Moni PTE Magic

The key to scoring high in the PTE Core Answer Short Question part is to practice with the most repeated questions.

This way, you can familiarize yourself with those queries and respond more quickly.

In this short guide, PTE Magic will share with you 30+ common questions and tips to help you nail this task.

Scroll down to see!

Key Takeaways

  • You need to give short responses within a few words in the PTE Core Answer Short Question part.
  • You’ll hear the prompt in 3 to 9 seconds before answering. There will be 5-6 questions on various topics.
  • Respond immediately within 10 seconds; you can change your answer during that time.
  • The key to high scores is to practice with the most repeated questions and expand your vocabulary.


Is Answer Short Question In PTE Core The Same As In PTE?

pte core answer short question

Yes, the Answer Short Question task stays the same in PTE Core and PTE Academic. This question type assesses your listening, speaking skills, and vocabulary. In particular, you must answer 5 to 6 questions using only one or a few words. 

First, the audio prompt will play in 3 to 9 seconds, asking queries on various topics. In some cases, an image might help you visualize the question. 

Once it finishes, you must answer in 10 seconds. Remember to respond immediately after you hear the question since there will be no short tone to notify you. Again, keep the number of words within the limit.

A progress bar on the screen will help you track the time. When its status switches from “Recording” to “Completed,” the system won’t record your answer anymore. So, try to respond before the time ends. Also, you only have one chance to give your answer.

Here is how the AI-scored system will evaluate your response:

  • This task tests your ability to comprehend the provided question through the audio prompt and give an accurate answer.
  • The scoring is either correct or incorrect. You only gain points if you use appropriate words. Otherwise, no marks will be given.

30+ Common PTE Core Answer Short Questions

  1. What do you call a person who belongs to an organization? – Member
  2. What organ in your body controls your feelings, thoughts, body movement, and speech? – Brain
  3. What is the simplest and smallest life form in soil, water, and air? It might cause diseases, but it is essential. – Bacteria
  4. Where do fishes are kept? – Aquarium
  5. What time of the day is also called dawn? – Sunrise
  6. What is the number of residents of a specific area? – Population
  7. What do we call it when the moon fully blocks the sun’s light? – An eclipse/a solar eclipse
  8. Which place would probably have the largest number of products: a cafeteria, a bookstore, or a supermarket? – A supermarket
  9. What field of science is dedicated to studying living organisms? – Biology
  10. What is the essential document that people bring when traveling internationally? – A passport
  11. Which is not a mammal: goat, cow, or butterfly? – Butterfly
  12. What is the name of the alphabetical list at the back of a book that helps you find specific information? – Appendix/Index
  13. How do you describe an economy that focuses on farming? – Rural/Agricultural
  14. What do you call a musical work designed for a solo instrument that often features virtuosic performance? – Concerto
  15. What does PR stand for in advertising and business? – Public Relations
  16. What do you call a sudden event that causes suffering and great damage? – Catastrophe
  17. What is the ceremony where students receive their diplomas or degrees after completing their studies? – Convocation/Graduation day
  18. What do you call a person who can speak different languages fluently? – Polyglot
  19. What is the term for an old, unmarried woman? – Spinster
  20. In universities, there are two ways to assess courses; one is through oral tests, and the other is? – Written assignments
  21. What household appliances do people use to keep their food fresh and cool for longer? – Fridge
  22. What do you call the process of plants using sunlight to produce their energy? – Photosynthesis
  23. Where do people pay for their purchases at the supermarket? – Checkout
  24. What is the term for someone who designs a building? – An architect
  25. When someone is in an interview, would he be sad or enthusiastic? – Enthusiastic
  26. What is the term for studying word origins and histories? – Etymology
  27. How to describe a thing that can catch fire easily? – Flammable
  28. What is the month between October and December? – November
  29. What is the process when liquid water turns into gas? – Evaporation
  30. What is the term to describe a person who always looks at good things? – Optimistic
  31. What is the word to show the fear of heights? – Acrophobia
  32. How do you call someone who can not see? – Blind
  33. What is the term for a person’s book about his life? – Autobiography
  34. What are the instructions for preparing and cooking a dish? – Recipe
  35. Which one is more likely to describe broken bones: fracture or fisher? – Fracture
  36. There will be a new lecture on Friday this week. If today is Thursday, when will the lecture be today, tomorrow, or next week? – Tomorrow

5 Tips For PTE Core Answer Short Question

Don’t Pause For Too Long

Once you see the status bar, switch to “Recording,” and speak to the microphone immediately.

If you pause for over 3 seconds, the system will stop recording. The status will become “Completed,” and you don’t have any chance to answer again.

The next question will appear after that.

Give Direct And Concise Answers

As mentioned, the ideal response should be one to three words. A long answer, even correct, will not earn you extra points. 

For example, the question is: What is the term for someone who designs a building?

Possible answers could be:

  • An architect
  • The person who designs a building is an architect.

While both are correct, you will receive the same point. However, you risk making mistakes or misleading the scoring system with lengthy responses.

Stay Focused And Keep Track Of The Time

You can only hear the question once, so stay focused when the audio is playing to understand the question. Even missing a single detail can lead to incorrect responses.

Pay attention to the progress bar to answer within 10 seconds. You don’t take notes because you only have to give short answers. 

Pronounce The Words Clearly And Correctly

Try to pronounce your response clearly and correctly so the computer can recognize it. If there is any error, the AI scoring system will consider your answer incorrect. Don’t worry when making mistakes. 

You can correct your response if it is mispronounced as long as it is within the time limit.

Expand Your Vocabulary

Vocabulary is an important scoring criterion. So, learn more new words when you practice PTE Core Answer Short Question. The wider your vocabulary, the higher your chance to score more.

There might be difficult questions about technical or scientific fields. Therefore, you can confidently give answers if you know many words about those complicated topics.


To respond to the PTE Core Answer Short Questions, remember to give a short and clear answer within a few words.

Under time pressure, it might be difficult to find the appropriate word. So it’s recommended to get used to the most repeated questions to give your answer more quickly.

Good luck!

green iguana
Moni PTE Magic

My name is Moni, and I am a seasoned PTE teacher with over 6 years of experience. I have helped thousands of students overcome their struggles and achieve their desired scores. My passion for teaching and dedication to my student’s success drives me to continually improve my teaching methods and provide the best possible support. Join me on this journey toward PTE success!

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